What exactly does a phlebotomist do?

Phlebotomist performing a blood draw on a patient

A phlebotomist is a medical professional who collects and processes blood samples from patients for various medical tests. They are responsible for taking and labeling samples accurately, as well as ensuring patient safety and comfort during the process. Phlebotomists must also maintain accurate records of their work and adhere to all safety protocols.

The process of phlebotomy begins with a patient’s consultation with a doctor, nurse, or other medical professionals. The patient may be asked to provide a blood sample, and the phlebotomist will then explain the procedure, answer any questions, and prepare the patient for the draw.

Once prepared, the phlebotomist will use a syringe or other equipment to collect a sample of blood. The sample is then labeled and sent to the laboratory for further testing. Phlebotomists must also monitor the patient’s vital signs during the procedure and take steps to ensure that the patient remains safe and comfortable.

In addition to collecting blood samples, phlebotomists may also be responsible for preparing specimens for shipping to outside laboratories, maintaining medical records, and providing patient education on the importance of proper blood collection and safety protocols.

Phlebotomy is an integral part of the medical profession, as it provides medical professionals with vital information about the health of their patients. Phlebotomists must have a strong understanding of medical terminology, anatomy, and physiology, as well as excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the job outlook for phlebotomists is great. It is expected to grow by ten percent through 2031 which is faster than the average for other professions. No prior medical experience is necessary to enter the field so the barriers to entry are low. 

Med-Cert offers phlebotomy training courses in Cleveland, Ohio that will help you get started in this rewarding career!

